Star Wars Costumes Luke Skywalker

Star Wars Costumes Luke SkywalkerIf you are looking for Star Wars Costumes, to coincide with the new film, Rise of Skywalker. What will be the final movie in the Skywalker series is likely to be showing at your local cinema just a few days before Christmas around December 2019. Therefore round about Halloween time, you are more than likely to see many costumes from it.

In this film, we will get to see the last of the Resistance facing off against the First Order for the last time. Several of the fans favorites will be making a reappearance in this film. In case you don’t know what they are, they are  Kylo, Rey and Luke Skywalker.

If you have been invited to a Halloween party, and you would like to go as a Star Wars character. There are quite a number of Star Wars Costumes that you can choose from. One of the most popular characters from the entire Star Wars saga is Luke Skywalker.

Click here to check out the Cosplaysky Men’s Halloween Tunic Hooded Robe Outfit Luke Skywalker.

Rise of Skywalker History:

Luke Skywalker was the leading character in the first three Star Wars movies. These films were shown in the 1970’s and 80’s. And although he was a hero in the original films, he became a mentor in the Last Jedi. That film was released in 2017, but he will also star in the Rise of Skywalker.

The costume that Luke wore in the original film, is very similar to the one he wears in the new Star Wars movie. The color of the robe is white and tan and has long sleeves. The tunic has a split all the way up the side to the waist.

He also has a pair of matching tan trousers, which have a brown belt. And there is also a tan cape as well as a hood. If you intend getting a Star Wars Costume, you might as well get the wig and beard to complete the look. These can be bought as separate accessories from

Star Wars Rey:

One of the most popular characters from the latest Star Wars films is Rey.  She is the leading protagonist as well as a scavenger.  And after Luke Skywalker disappeared, she was the one to find him.

Rey had never received any training when she first picked up a light saber to fight Kylo Ren. But she defeated him in their dual. Rey’s costume is very similar to the one that Luke wears. In that it has a tan top that crosses over at the chest.

The pants are knee length and are dark in color. The costume also has detachable sleeves that complement the top. And finished off with a brown belt that has a pouch.

An arm cuff is also included that will match the belt. If you fancy being a villain at this years Halloween party. One of the best Star Wars Costumes is  Kylo Ren. He was born with the name Ben Solo, and was Luke Skywalkers nephew.

Luke had trained him to become a Jedi, but when he got older Ben decided to turn to the dark side. In the hopes of becoming like his grandfather Darth Vader, a big villain. You will find the review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe Adult Kylo Ren Costume here.

This Halloween Costume is a robe with cape and hood.  there is also a face mask and a black belt. To make your Kylo Ren look even more authentic, treat yourself to a red lightsaber accessory from before Halloween.

Click here to check out the Cosplaysky Men’s Halloween Tunic Hooded Robe Outfit Luke Skywalker.