Halloween Harry Potter Party

Halloween Harry Potter PartyWizardry and witchcraft is at the very heart of the Harry Potter stories. This then would be an ideal theme for a Harry Potter Halloween party. The last Harry Potter book written by J. K. Rowling has now been released. But as you might have guessed, the movie series are still being rolled out. Which of course will keep the stories very much alive for many years to come.

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For quite a number of children today, a Harry Potter book might be the first full length book they might read. Having said that, the Harry Potter films and books seem to be popular with any age group. There are also children that have grown up reading them through the years.  And have gone from one book to another as each book has been released.

The Harry Potter story’s can offer a very rich source of inspiration for your Halloween decorations and costumes.  There is a wide selection of typical decorative Halloween items that you can choose from. Such as witches hats, wands, ghosts, goblins, wizards magic potions, broomsticks, spiders and spider webs. Skeletons placed indoors or outdoors as well as backdrops and table clothes that are all appropriate for a Harry Potter Halloween party theme.

Halloween Harry Potter Decorations:

There are also some specific Harry Potter decoration items, like featuring some characters from the books. Along with Hogwarts, crests, posters, frogs and owls, and many more. There is also a growing interest in having a Halloween as a Harry Potter theme. And this can be seen in the growing  Harry Potter decorative items that are available at Halloween time.

Invitations to your Harry Potter Halloween Party can be made from Harry Potter images and fonts that are available on the internet. You will need to specify the time, the date and the place for your guest list. And also ask for an RSVP confirmation, as this will make your catering a lot easier. If the guests are likely to be children or teenagers, their parents should be consulted about the transport and safety arrangements.

Some of the activities might include watching a Harry Potter movie. As well as video and computer games, play acting, book readings, visiting Harry Potter fan sites and discussing the stories.  Creative craft activities so you can make Harry Potter costumes and accessories.  Another simple craft project you can do is to provide some wooden dowels and a variety of paints and glitter. This will give everyone the opportunity to make and have a Harry Potter wand for themselves.

Harry Potter Costumes:

You might have noticed that the Harry Potter costumes are mostly about the accessories. The clothes themselves are rather conservative, and you might have something suitable in your children’s wardrobe already. The extra items you might need will include things like scarves, black capes and black rimmed glasses and broomsticks.

The Harry Potter character needs to be made up including the distinctive scar. Some of the other characters, like the staff at Hogwarts, will need more elaborate costuming. These will include things such as wizard’s cloaks and hats and beards. The movies themselves will provide a guide to the costume designs that you might need.

If at all possible, Food at a Harry Potter Halloween party should be served in a way that resembles the typical Hogwarts table setting. Check out the movie if you are not quite sure.  As the host, you will impress your guests if you can magically reveal the served food. This can be done by suddenly removing the covering cloth from the table accompanied by the flourish of your wand.

Harry Potter enthusiasts seem to get a lot of pleasure by sharing the Harry Potter experience with others.  If this is also your experience, you could organize a sleep over if your guests are old enough.

Click Here to see all Harry Potter Halloween Decor: